You must register for tryouts even if you cannot attend tryouts. Please notify us if you cannot attend and we can arrange a separate evaluation date to determine if we can place you on a team.
To register for Gateway Rush Tryouts see instructions below:
Go to 360player through this LINK or by selecting register at the top of the page.
To register please select “Sign Up”, create your 360player accounts, and in our club lobby you will find our registrations dashboard.
If you have multiple children you wish to register, you can add children to your profile in the club lobby. You MUST have the player profile created before entering a registration.
Please be sure you select the correct age based on your child's birth year and not what team they play on now.
All players hoping to secure a spot for the 2023/24 season should attend tryouts. If you are not able to attend, please fill out the form below.
Please arrive 15 minutes before the tryout to confirm your registration. Players are expected to come with a pumped-up soccer ball, soccer cleats, shin guards, and proper soccer/athletic attire. All players are required to bring sufficient water to stay hydrated.
Any player who is interested in joining Gateway Rush can do so at any time. No need to wait until tryouts. Players are invited to train with a team in their respective age group to determine the best developmental placement for them. Please contact us to help begin this process.
“Where the Trails of Passion and Purpose Meet, Begins the Path to Victory"
Hours by Appointment